
Wedding Images in Color or Black & White?

By, June 04, 2012

True Photography is known for loving color! It grabs your attention. Color can be beautiful, realistic and alive. However, black and white is timeless, understated, and honest, and it allows you to focus on the moment being captured. One question our clients frequently ask is how we decide when a photo should be produced in color or black and white. There’s always a reason behind the way we present each image, and we’re here to give you a peek at our process. 

Since you can always convert a color photo to black and white, but you can never go the other way, we photograph entirely in color! Then, during the enhancement process, we review every image and decide which ones should receive the b&w treatment. Each of our enhancers has a trained eye, and they know how to present the image in the best possible way.

“When you photograph people in color, you photograph their clothes. But when you photograph people in black and white, you photograph their souls!”- Ted Grant, (godfather of Canadian photojournalism)

In this post, we show you ten color photos, as well as black and white variations of the same images. On the first five images, the color versions are stronger and present better. For the second five images, black and white brings out a little something extra. Take a look below and let us know what you think! 

Five photos we prefer in color:

1) We took this photo during an Indian wedding ceremony, which is a colorful occasion! It is the colors that really brings this image to life. Also, colors have cultural significance in Indian weddings that can be lost in black and white photos.

Black and White vs. Color Photos for weddings with True Photography Black and White vs. Color Photos for weddings with True Photography

2) Sometimes, color just looks prettier. Though we also love this photo in black and white, we miss our bride’s unique red hair, magenta lips, and bright blue eyes. Also, the small details help to finish this image, like the pink in the groom’s boutonniere.

Black and White vs. Color Photos for weddings with True Photography Black and White vs. Color Photos for weddings with True Photography

3) Color grabs your attention! A burst of color (like the red umbrella) draws your eyes to the main focus of the photo – the lightening!  Also, a color image can capture a range of hues and tones that is absent in black and white images.

Black and White Vs. Color Wedding Images by True PhotographyBlack and White Vs. Color Wedding Images by True Photography

4) Colors can enhance any mood if used correctly. For example, take a look at this bride and groom with their wedding party just after the ceremony. In this image, the colors enhance the humorous and playful situation.

Black and white photo of bride and groom during San Diego WeddingBlack and white photos vs color photos for wedding photography

 5) Colors makes images come to life so they seem more real and vivid. Because flowers are vibrant and have lots of texture, a color version is going to be much more satisfying to the eye.

Black and White Vs. Color Wedding Images by True PhotographyBlack and White Vs. Color Wedding Images by True Photography

Five photos we prefer in black & white:

1) Black and white reminds us of our past, which we often romanticize.  In this photo of the boys sitting on the curb, the black and white treatment creates a moment in time that takes us back to being young. Also, because we see the world in color, an image like this becomes more interesting and distinctive.

Black and White Vs. Color Wedding Images by True PhotographyBlack and White Vs. Color Wedding Images by True Photography

2) A photo in black and white allows us to concentrate on the image itself, rather than the color.  In this photo, the groom is emotional as his bride walks down the aisle.  The use of black & white helps to mute the background to focus on the moment.

Black and White Vs. Color Wedding Images by True PhotographyBlack and White Vs. Color Wedding Images by True Photography

3) Black and white is stark, and it makes people can look more powerful and serious.  The absence of color in this photo really suits the stern expressions of the men and their “Godfather-esque” stances!

Black and White Vs. Color Wedding Images by True PhotographyBlack and White Vs. Color Wedding Images by True Photography

4) Since a majority of old photography was done in black and white, it can help a modern moment feel timeless.  There’s nothing more classic than a bride looking at her love through the window of a 1930 Chevrolet Packard!  There is no indication in the b&w version that this photo was taken circa 2012!

Black and White Vs. Color Wedding Images by True PhotographyBlack and White Vs. Color Wedding Images by True Photography

5)  There is so much emotion in this photo of the bride reading a note from her groom just before the ceremony. The black and white version brings out the facial expressions of the bride and her maid of honor, adding more real drama to the photo.  

Black and white vs. Color wedding photos by True PhotographyBlack and white vs. Color wedding photos by True Photography


Kathy Wright & Co: The Gold Standard in Floral and Event Design

By, April 04, 2012

Flowers add life, warmth and personality to a wedding. They are nature’s gifts to us;  they make us smile when we are sad, and they remind us of the most precious memories life has to offer.  I’ve worked at my trade for many years, crafting the perfect wedding design for each and every bride and groom who decide I’m ‘the one’ for them! Whether they are going for ‘uber contemporary’, vintage chic, or classic traditional style, I can interpret it through flowers, and all the different tools I have, to create an event extraordinaire!

Kathy Wright and Co Floral Design in San Diego Kathy Wright and Co Floral Design in San Diego Kathy Wright and Co Floral Design for Indian Wedding in San Diego

It’s very simple for a bride and groom to choose the type of flowers to match the style of their event. The process really starts with me getting to know them as people.  They come in, sit down, and we talk.  Sometimes we talk about everything under the sun!  Sometimes they tell me about their favorite movie,  their favorite rock band, their favorite colors, or their favorite place to go on vacation. These are all hints to better understand what they both enjoy, and what they want their party to reflect to their guests!

Kathy Wright and Co Floral Design in San Diego

We look at textures and colors, and ways to apply light to the tables and the ceiling of the room.  We look at styles of furniture to put around the dance floor, or ways to incorporate a chandelier, or what shape the floral arrangements should be, or how to create a backdrop for the band. Years from now, the bride and groom remember it all!

Kathy Wright and Co Floral Design in San Diego Kathy Wright and Co Floral Design in San Diego Kathy Wright and Co Floral Design in San Diego

Without a doubt, the current trend is the vintage chic feel.  A lot of people feel comfortable with the cutesy, almost whimsical feeling.  It’s an easy look to replicate, and a tried and true favorite.  Brides and grooms are also wanting to keep the focus on their closest friends and family, with a look that creates a very ‘feel good’ vibe.

Kathy Wright and Co. wedding florals in Southern California

The magazines say 10% of a wedding budget is put towards florals, but what the magazines don’t tell you is that this percentage is not realistic if you want something extra special and over the top.  If you want flowers for the wedding party, a few florals in the front of the ceremony, and simple centerpieces, 10%  is usually a reasonable percentage.  But if you want those gorgeous patterns of rose petals down the aisle, or the elaborate floral centerpieces towering over the table tops at the reception like you see in the magazines, it will most likely be above 10%. Many brides and grooms are now dedicating closer to 40% or 50% of their budget to the décor, in order to achieve the look and feel that you see in many of the gorgeous weddings in magazines and online. For example, a special table cloth, unique chairs, and furniture seating areas in key locations can enhance the overall look of the event.  When you hire a wedding visionary, or ‘event designer’ such as myself, we can help realize these ideas, and bring them to life. The right details created by a trained eye make a huge difference.

San Diego wedding floral design by Kathy Wright and Co Kathy Wright and Co Wedding at the Grand Del Mar

My favorite flower for bridal bouquets is a fresh gardenia, hands down!  They are sexy,  sultry, and so fragrant!  They have gotten a bad rap as the flower that ‘browns’ if you touch them, but look at so many of the photographs of my work and you will not see a brown gardenia!  Just don’t toss that bouquet like a football and you’ll be fine!

Kathy Wright and Co. Modern Gardenia Wedding Bouquet

In addition to flowers, we love to incorporate different elements into our arrangements  Feathers, crystals, succulents, fruit, vegetables, shells…all forms of nature work with all forms of nature!  The added elements are nice to echo in a ‘theme’ or to make a statement that enhances the feeling of the event!

Wedding bouquet by Kathy Wright and Co. with jewelsKathy Wright and Co wedding floral design

I will always remember Megan and Sergio’s wedding, and Megan’s mom Katie!  They are a great family and I loved working with them!  This very traditional wedding ceremony took place in the Capella at The Grand Del Mar.  They wanted the classic space to have style, and they allowed me to create gorgeous yellow bouquets to brighten the space!  It was my favorite color to use in the Capella, other than white, which will ALWAYS be my first choice for ceremony flowers in a traditional venue such as a chapel, church or synagogue.

San Diego Wedding Flowers by Kathy Wright and Co. San Diego Wedding Flowers by Kathy Wright and Co.

Megan and Sergio met on a soccer field, so they wanted to incorporate their love of soccer into the wedding decor. We thought it would be a fun element to bring to the cocktail hour, where all the guests could enjoy the fun and whimsy. We covered round benches to resemble the look of a soccer ball in black and white, and we created floral soccer balls to enhance the turf covered seating card table. Later, ‘someone’ encouraged the bride and groom to dribble the floral soccer balls around the Grand Del Mar. The ‘game’ was caught by Aaron of True Photography, and the photos are priceless.

San Diego Wedding Floral Designer Kathy Wright and Co creates flower soccer balls for wedding They are a great family and I miss working with them!

The reception room came to life with over sized ‘trees’ of flowers in the centers of the tables,  and the chocolate brown dance floor gleamed in the ballroom!

Chocolate-Dance-Floor-and-Tall-Flowers-by-Kathy-Wright-&-Co at the Grand Del MarWedding at the Grand Del Mar with Kathy Wright Design and Floral

We created a large U shape table to host all the wedding party and their families, and of course the bride and groom. We literally built the table inside the ballroom on the morning of the wedding!  What a wonderful wedding to be part of!

Kathy Wright and Co. wedding florals in Southern California


Visit us Sunday at the US Grant Wedding Showcase!

By, March 01, 2012

San Diego Wedding Photographer True Photography will be featured at the upcoming US Grant Hotel Wedding Showcase

This Sunday, March 4th, True Photography will be featured at the US Grant Hotel’s Wedding Showcase. Presented as the journey from the ‘First Date’ to ‘I do’, the US Grant Wedding Showcase will be a fun and exciting event for the newly engaged. Attendees will explore the luxurious US Grant as a wedding venue, and see some of the best florists, fashion designers, stylists, event planners, entertainers and bakeries in the industry.  The event will be held from 12 – 4pm, and will span across three floors of the US Grant.

Come check it out and visit us in person! We’d love to see you there, and answer any questions you may have about photographing your big day.

For more information, or to purchase tickets, click here.

San Diego Wedding Photographer

Wedding Photography San Diego

For over twenty years, True Photography has set the standard among San Diego wedding photographers for innovative, stylish, and timeless imagery. As well, when you are seeking a San Diego corporate event photographer, True Photography leads the way with creative and powerful event photography. Each photographer is hand selected for their creativity, technical knowledge, and charismatic personality. We invite you to view each portfolio, and select the photographer who will best capture your vision for your big event. Your San Diego Wedding Photographer – your San Diego Event Photographer – True Photography. Whether it’s San Diego Wedding Photography or San Diego headshots, or San Diego Events, True Photography will deliver. Check availability: [email protected]

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